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    [Contact License Technical Support]

    Where do I get information about the duration and price of the ProudNet license?

    Policies are published by Marketplace. If you want the On Premise version, please contact us through Contact Us.
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    [Contact License Technical Support]

    What is the scope of technical support?

    Technical support will be provided selectively through the official website of ProudNet Naver, and will be carried out sequentially according to the priority. If you have a separate maintenance contract, technical support will be provided through the Nettention Developer Network. We mainly support network engine use and related issues, and we also provide advice on the game server structure we want to develop. If you sign a separate contract, you will receive one free dispatched technical support, and after that, you will be charged for dispatched technical support.
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    [Contact License Technical Support]

    What are the working hours?

    Weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (UTC+09:00). If you have any questions later, please use ProudNet Naver’s official cafe or email us through Contact Us.
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